Finally , I make mario !!

The Source Code Explained


After slogging for nearly a week , just right now I finally solved mario , from pset1. The problem consisted of printing out half-pyramids of a specific height, provided by the user. The output of the problem had to look something like this:-

Height: 8
##      ###      ####     #####    ######   ####### ######## #########
Now take a look at source code , here:-
Warning:- This is a spoiler for other people still trying on mario.

#include <cs50.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  

int main(void)  
    //Getting User Input-  

    int height;  

        printf("Height: ");  
        height = GetInt();
    while( (height <= 1) || (height > 23) );  

    for(int i = 1; i <= height; i++)  

        //print spaces  
        for(int s = height-i ;s > 0; s--)  
            printf(" ");  

        //print hashes  
        for(int j = 0;j <= i; j++)  

        //print new_line  
    printf("For loop has finished printing !! \n");  
    return 0;  

First Block , Getting User Input :-

int height;

     printf(“Height: “);
     height = GetInt();
   while( (height \<= 1) || (height > 23)

The first block of code consists of the DO-WHILE loop , which prompts for user input. The loop will not exit until the user enters a number between 2 and 23.

The main block , generating half-pyramid :-

for(int i = 1; i \<= height; i++)

        //print spaces
        for(int s = height-i ;s > 0; s—)
            printf(” “);

//print hashes
        for(int j = 0;j \<= i; j++)


        //print new_line


The algorithm I used to generate the half pyramid was as follows :-

  1. A for loop for automating the generation of each line.
  2. A for loop for generating spaces in each line.
  3. A for loop for generating hashes in each line.
  4. Printing new line after the spaces and sharps have been printed.

Now the first for loops repeats itself for the height specified , which means it will generate the pattern for each line. I have also used the iterator “i” as a reference to line number, that’s why ‘i’ has been initialized  as 1.

The second for loop is used to print spaces. The logic used here is -

Number of spaces in each line = height specified - number of line //Decrementing by one in each line

Now basically, the loop will repeat itself on the same line again and again , thereby printing spaces as it completes.

The third for loop is used to print sharps.The logic used here is -

Number of hashes in each line = two at first line , increment by one with each line

After printing out hashes we need to have a new line , before our main for loop repeats again and to do that we use “\n ”

And folks that’s mario for you. Make sure your main returns.

PS :-* If you are following the hacker edition pset then after the for loop printing first set of sharps you will need to add a tab space by printing out \t character. And then repeat the for loop for printing the hashes exactly as it was.
