Programming category

BitWise Operators

A short introduction on Bitwise Operators


Today I programmed for the first time in python and believe me when I say it felt better than an orgasm !!

I mean you dont need to declare variables , to heck with data types and even curly braces , just indent your code.

And the best thing is the language is …

Finally , I make mario !!

The Source Code Explained


After slogging for nearly a week , just right now I finally solved mario , from pset1. The problem consisted of printing out half-pyramids of a specific height, provided by the user. The output of the problem had to look something like this:-

Height: 8
##      ###      ####     #####    ######   ####### ######## #########
Now take …

CS50: Week 1 , Fall 2012

My Experience (Till now)

CS50 is Harvard’s most famous course and the institutes first course to be featured in edX. There are literally no pre-requisites other than a computer and a working net connection.It’s specifically targets people who are new to the field of computer science. After …